Is The powerHouse Arena available for private rentals?
Yes, we frequently open our doors, floors and galleries to interested parties. You can organize an event within our space as it is, or we can clear everything and you can start from scratch.

Does The powerHouse Arena host weddings or bar mitzvahs?
Yes, The powerHouse Arena welcomes bar mitzvahs, wedding receptions and ceremonies. Our 5,000-square-foot main floor can seat up to 150 guests. And with our tiered Arena steps we can create a truly unique ceremony for you and your guests.

What is included in the rental price of The powerHouse Arena?
The rental price includes the use of the space (the 5,000-square-foot Main Floor and 800-square-foot Lounge) for 8 hours. This time will
encompass the periods needed for set-up, the event hours and any necessary breakdown. We also include the use of our house sound/DJ equipment and access to Wi-fi.

Is there a kitchen?
No, but we have an extensive list of caterers who are aware of our space and can
plan accordingly.

Where do all of the books go during events?
For large events (weddings, bar mitzvahs, etc.) it is often necessary to clear our store of all merchandise. With the exception of a few items, our staff will clear the
book store of all of its furnishings.

Are chairs or other event related furniture included in the rental price?
No, all event-related furniture (including tables, chairs, linens, service equipment, etc.) need to be brought in by the rental party.

What if I love the book store and gallery and want to integrate my event within the natural setting?
We do this too! We’re often asked to host cocktail parties, fundraisers, benefits, art openings and everything in between. We love our store and love to show it off during social occasions. Because many of our display units are modular and mobile, we can move to accommodate many different set-up styles.

Questions? Please contact Daniel Power at 212.604.9074 x123 or